Friday, February 25, 2011

P.O.P. Day 26: Compromise

You know what? My way or the highway just doesn't cut it. You know why? Because (almost) every road has two lanes. Yours and the other guys.

“For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Compromise isn't always pretty and it sometimes isn't very much fun. You have to really have to analyze what is important to you and what might be negotiable. Or what you need right now and what you can wait to develop. I'll admit that in some situations, I have trouble with this. There are somethings that I just want without question. But sometimes patience and compromise are necessary. I continue to strive for a better attitude. I fear that while I do not want to compromise my principles in any way, I may also be jeopardizing relationships for things that I am unwilling to budge on.

Without our relationships, our lives would be pretty empty. It is our job to work on them, help them to grow, and not get thrown by little obstacles along the way. So, it can't always be our way alone. When you're driving together, you have to create the map together too.

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