Tuesday, March 22, 2011

P.O.P. Day 51: Standing in the Sun

Most of the shadows in this life are caused by standing in one's own sunshine.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ole Ralphy is right on this one, we are notorious as a society for holding ourselves back. I know that I am. Now that it is just the cat and I, there is nothing stopping me from moving ahead and trying new things. Except for my own fear. I say to heck with that.

I know that I have said this all before. I talk a good game. So henceforth, I am scaling it down a little. I want to experience a new area. So, maybe I will plan a weekend trip. I want to be a more professional jewlery designer, so I need to first generate some ideas. I want to share my verve and zest for life with someone. So instead of looking for my next life partner and putting pressure on myself unnecessarily, I will spend some time with some new people and also some time with just myself. Baby steps, people, baby steps. But they are steps into the sunshine.

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