Tuesday, August 23, 2011

P.O.P. Day 206: Life is indeed good.

Hey! Guess what? Life doesn't suck. Sure, some situations really do suck. But life isn't just that one situation or instance. Life, overall, is better when happy. I am not talking about blissed-out, hippy dippy, "everybody loves everybody" kind of great. Or faux happiness that is adopted just to seem "normal." I am more interested in contentment.

The dictionary defines content as: satisfied with what one is or has; not wanting more or anything else.

That is what I am striving for. My ol' buddy, the Bard puts it more poetically:

"My crown is in my heart, not on my head, Nor decked with diamonds and Indian stones, Nor to be seen: My crown is called content: A crown it is, that seldom kings enjoy." ~William Shakespeare

At this moment in my life, I am content. I appreciate what I have earned and what I have been given. I don't mourn the loss of things that I do not possess. Smiles come more easily, laughter is more sincere, friendships are more cherished, small things become bigger.

I still have worries, both real and imagined. I still struggle sometimes with being mindful and present in the moment. Contentment, though, has a way of making all those struggles more manageable.

I hope that you are content in your life. If there is anything that I can do to assist in that state, please let me know. What helps you to achieve contentment? 

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