Thursday, July 14, 2011

P.O.P. Day 165: Accomplishments

It hardly seems possible that it has been nearly 3 weeks since my last post! It has been a hectic time for many reasons, primarily in the week leading up to The Boilermaker.

To me, the "big race" was all about setting a personal goal and working towards it. Something that was essentially JUST MINE. No one else was holding me responsible and no one else that would really be effected by the outcome. Even though I trained smartly, ate properly, and hydrated to the extreme, there was a lot of self doubt at the end. I was unsure if the smaller goals that I acheived would be enough to carry me through. I had planned, but didn't know if that was enough. My self-confidence was not as high as it should have been going into an event like that.

So the week before, I walk on hot coals, I ziplined, I ran extra miles, and I drank A LOT of water. And you know what? I did it. I ran the entire 9.3 miles. I finished in the time alloted, even though I would have liked to go faster. My accumulated goals helped me to achieve the big one.

I made a bargin with myself that if I ran the entire race and finished in less than 2 hours, that I would do a half-marathon in the fall. Looks like I need to start racking up those smaller goals again ;)

Sarah (the best support crew ever) and I after the race.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been on Facebook lately, so I wasn't sure how your big race had gone. Sounds like you did a great job!!! Congrats on a big personal achievement and good luck on that half in the fall. So proud of you!!

    ~ Kristen
