Monday, February 28, 2011

P.O.P Day 29: You Can't Stop the Waves...

You can never anticipate what life is going to throw at you. Not knowing makes it both scary and exciting. Did I anticipate last Monday that today I would be looking for a new car? No way. In a way, it sucks. My truck was paid for, I could carry lots of costumes and props, it had a six CD changer. It was also big, took a lot of gas, and was a remnant from my "past life". So it is also an opportunity. I get to pick out something that appeals to me, is more my size, and MUCH more fuel efficient. I am just rolling with it because there isn't another option.

Situations like this come at us at work, in relationships, at home, heck...even in the grocery store. The point is not to let them drown you. Get up on that board and have an adventure. Some of the waves are bigger and scarier than others, but at the end of the day, you've conquered something and are relaxing in the sun on the beach. You just have to trust yourself and know that everyone is dealing with something.

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