Tuesday, February 1, 2011

P.O.P Day 2: Perceptions

Okay, I admit it. When I woke up this morning, I found it difficult to imagine being positive today. Exactly 2 weeks ago, I flipped the truck and was the Amazing Flying Weasdini so the thought of driving in the snow did not excite me. It brought to mind my father who frequently said, "If it's not _______, it's ________." You know, If it's not bills, it's housework. If it's not heat, it's humidity. If it's not snow, it's ice. In other words, it's always something.

You know what, Dad? It IS always something, but why must we always assume that that something has to be negative? So, I challenge you. Instead of pairing 2 things that make you miserable, try to think of 2 positive alternatives. Such as: If it's not the ice cream, it's the toppings. If it's not the sunshine, it's the bird songs. If it's not the hugs, it's the kisses. Feel free to comment and help to change the collective perception.

If it's not the smiles, it's the positive thoughts that change my day.


  1. If it's not the hugs my kids give me, it's the "I love you" they say.

    Thanks Weas!!!!

  2. In Teen Leadership we call this reframing. The story goes that a guy once purchased a painting that he absolutely loved, but his wife hated so it wound up in the attic. Many years later the couple moved and had the grand fireplace, and the husband remembered the painting and thought it would look great over the fireplace, so he took it and had it put in a new frame. When he got home he placed the painting over the fireplace without telling his wife. When the mans wife got home she saw what he had done and said, "What a beutiful painting. Where did you find it." The man never told his wife that it was the same painting that she thought was ugly just a few years earlier. The moral of the story is you can put any bad situation into a new frame and make it better.
