Friday, February 18, 2011

P.O.P. Day 19: Use It or Lose It...Your Imagination, I mean...

As children, we are often encouraged to use our imagination. In fact, it is even part of the elementary curriculum. Sadly, as adults, the beauty and joy of using our imaginations is rarely promoted. I think that we would be happier people and a more joyful world if this situation was rectified.

The world is but a canvas to the imagination. ~Henry David Thoreau

Many go through life just doing what is necessary. Sleep, work, chores, bills, sleep, work, chores, bills...boring. Even if they do branch into something that might be a little out of their routine, it does not become their lifestyle. It is a novelty, something to be momentarilt enjoyed and then filed away. Poor saps.

I am one of the lucky ones, I guess. Imagination and creativity are my life's blood. Without my hyper-active imagination, the plays that I direct would be boring and flat and no one would want to wear a Funky Monkey creation. Without my imagination, I cease to be Weas. And I like Weas, she's a pretty fantastic gal.

So, this weekend, I challenge you. REALLY use your imagination. Paint a picture, stage a photo shot, bake a cake bigger than your dog, create a meal out of the contents of your fridge, write a poem...heck, start that novel...but really delve into your mind and create something from inside you.

I'd love to hear your plans and your accomplishments. I can imagine all the wonders already!


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