Wednesday, June 1, 2011

P.O.P. Day 122: Can Do Attitude

Today is Wednesday. It is also National Running Day, National Say Something Nice Day, and National Go Barefoot Day. I am declaring my own holiday that combines several of the others: National Give Yourself Some Credit for Being Awesome Day.

We often focus on what we can't do. That can be can make us strive for new and more lofty goals. But it can also knock us down. It can shake our confidence. It can make us afraid to seek those goals at all. I think that we should all take some time to focus on all that we CAN do.

I may not be able to run a 4 minute mile, but I can run. I can cover miles and be happy that I did.
I may not be able to stun a room with my devastating good looks, but I can make a room laugh at my wacky sense of humor.
I may not be able to grow prize-winning roses, but I can grow veggies that will nourish me through the fall and winter.
I may not be able to be someone's Mom, but I can be a positive influence on students everyday.
I may not be able to write an awarding-winning novel, but I can blog some uplifting words that may help someone else.
I may not be able to be the peanut butter to some else's jelly, but I can let my light shine and make the world a happier place.

Think of all the things that you can do, you'll be more impressed than you think!

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