Tuesday, May 31, 2011

P.O.P. Day 121: It Could Be Worse

Yes, it is 93 degrees. But think of this, 4 months ago, you were complaining how frozen you were. Yes, the garden is full of weeds. But you could live in a place where it is dry and nothing grows. Yes, you have a few extra pounds stubbornly hanging on. But you could be in a situation where you do not get enough to eat. Yes, you may be in a cranky mood (I was). But there is always something to smile about. Always. There is always something to look forward to. There is always a reason to be your best self. Even if that reason is just to make someone else appreciate their life and all they have.

Soak up that heat that you may have fond memories of it in the middle of January. get your hands in the dirt and pull out those weeds knowing that flowers and veggies will give you joy. Eat the ice cream cone and be blessed that you can. Smile, someone else may be depending on it.

*Caution-a tiny little curse word at 2:15*

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