Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 215: Tap into your creative spirit!

Studies show that people who engage in regular creative pursuits have richer and more full lives and are better able to handle stress and  turmoil.

Many people are under the assumption that they "don't have a creative bone in their body". Do you cook? Creative. Do you doodle? Creative. Do you make anything at all? Creative. Sing? Dance? Play guitar? Creative. Do you appreciate the creative skills of others? Guess what?  You are creative.

Anyone who knows me (at all, really) knows how important being in touch with that part of myself is to me. It is what drives me daily. If I didn't indulge in making things, sharing ideas, and enriching my world, I wouldn't be me.

Are you really being you?

A good friend and I have just launched a 365 day creativity project: Artfully Accomplished 365 to help to bolster our processes and be more active artists. We would love you to join our creative community and share and inspire others.

   “It is better to create than to be learned, creating is the true essence of life” ~ Barthold Georg Niebuhr

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

P.O.P. Day 213: A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste

You know how sometimes you give your dog a big, juicy bone and they just gnaw on it for days? I think my brain is doing a great best dog impersonation.

Sometimes, our minds just get a hold on something and worry it into a bigger deal than it is. It may not have been anything to worry about at all. We can embroider things until they no longer even resemble the original.

I struggle with this concept. It sometimes keeps me up at night. And it annoys me. I am (generally) a rational woman and I know better.

I am attempting to let go a little more, let life unfold around me, and stop being such a worrywart. Not sure how that will play out in the the long run, but fear has no place in my driver's seat.

Monday, August 29, 2011

P.O.P. Day 212: A Numbers Game

While I can recognize the beauty of others, I find that I have a skewed sense of myself sometimes. I will proclaim from the rooftops that I am funny, witty and generally awesome. Sometimes, too much (I mean, really, NO one is THAT awesome). But I will take very little pride or acknowledgment of any physical attributes (other than the big goofy grin).

In the coming months, I am going to try to embrace all the work that I have done and the physical improvements that I have made. My muscles are bigger and more toned, the jiggly bits are s-l-o-w-l-y getting smaller. Other people appreciate them, why shouldn't I?

Take time to love yourself and all that you are. You might not be able to see the great things in yourself that others can. Dust off your self-perception mirror and appreciate all you see. I'll be right there with you.

Friday, August 26, 2011

P.O.P. Day 209: two wrongs CAN make a right

We are all human and would like to think that all the choices that we make are the right ones. Guess what? Not going to happen.

Even something that seems like the right choice at the time ends up being the worst possible option. The house that looks great from the outside ends up having massive internal  damage. Same for the cute guy or girl...A dress that looks wonderful on all your friends does nothing for you. The ice cream binge that seemed like such a good idea makes you sick.

But because we are human, we also can learn from our mistakes: find a better house, a much better guy, a more flattering outfit. We have to be willing to make those errors though and not give up in our quest for something better. I am saying to have unrealistic expectations, only to know when something isn't right. If I hadn't made those mistakes, I wouldn't be so satisfied with my life right now. Realizing that my choices were not the right ones was difficult, but it has made knowing when the decisions are right so much sweeter.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

P.O.P. Day 208: Soothing the Savage

"Music hath charms to soothe a savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak." ~William Congreve

Everyone needs to have something in  their life which can lift them up no matter what. It may be a book, a food, a song, a pet, a TV show...the list is endless. What it is doesn't matter as much as having it. For me, I suppose it would be music (and my kids of course, but they aren't around in the summertime.)

I have recently realized how important music is to my life. I enjoy having a soundtrack. And a theme song. My changes regularly to suit my mood, my current circumstances, my newest "favorite song".

Different parts of my life have different soundtracks and themes: my running life, my work life, my romance, my chill out time, my getting my joy on. Some songs cross those lines and inhabit various lists, some are regulated to one purpose. Some songs are musical versions of my motivational wasteland, some just push me to work harder. But rarely is there a time that the appropriate song does not lift me up and brighten my day.

What is it in your life that always brings you joy? A favorite song, a great book, a sappy mantra?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

P.O.P. Day 207: It's your choice.

Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice. ~Wayne Dyer

I will never try to make you smilely if you are truly sad. Honest. But being miserable takes so much energy. More than just letting a good mood take over. We all know that it takes more muscles to frown.

Buuuuut...the important thing is that you have the choice. Be sad. Be happy. Be both. Be neither. No one has the right to dictate your mood, your feelings, or how you react to things.

I personally choose to be happy and surround myself with people who are for the most part happy. That was my choice. I am glad that i made it.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

P.O.P. Day 206: Life is indeed good.

Hey! Guess what? Life doesn't suck. Sure, some situations really do suck. But life isn't just that one situation or instance. Life, overall, is better when happy. I am not talking about blissed-out, hippy dippy, "everybody loves everybody" kind of great. Or faux happiness that is adopted just to seem "normal." I am more interested in contentment.

The dictionary defines content as: satisfied with what one is or has; not wanting more or anything else.

That is what I am striving for. My ol' buddy, the Bard puts it more poetically:

"My crown is in my heart, not on my head, Nor decked with diamonds and Indian stones, Nor to be seen: My crown is called content: A crown it is, that seldom kings enjoy." ~William Shakespeare

At this moment in my life, I am content. I appreciate what I have earned and what I have been given. I don't mourn the loss of things that I do not possess. Smiles come more easily, laughter is more sincere, friendships are more cherished, small things become bigger.

I still have worries, both real and imagined. I still struggle sometimes with being mindful and present in the moment. Contentment, though, has a way of making all those struggles more manageable.

I hope that you are content in your life. If there is anything that I can do to assist in that state, please let me know. What helps you to achieve contentment? 

Monday, August 22, 2011

P.O.P. Day 205: Stop! Thief!

There are real things in this world to be worried about--disease, zombies, saving. But most people that I know (myself certainly included), tend to worry about the little stuff or worse yet, stuff that we make up. I spent a good part of this morning worrying about something that I think was just in my own head. And even if it wasn't, I was not changing or fixing anything by worrying about it.

Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.  ~Leo Buscaglia

In reality, there is typically little that we can do to affect all the garbage that we worry about. We can make sure the stove is off and the the door is locked, but we can't control the actions and feeling of others. We can change our perceptions, but rarely do we succeed in altering all our views.

What's my point today? Sometimes worrying does nothing but spoil what could otherwise be a great day. So let go and let life happen. We may be disappointed, but we may also be ecstatic.

Give yourself a break.

Friday, August 19, 2011

P.O.P. Day 202: Today not yesterday

You know something scary? I could get hit by a bus tomorrow. So could you.
If we really think about it, do we want to spend the last day that we may have on Earth dwelling on the past or worrying about the future?

 “Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.”
~Omar Khayyam

I'll be the first to admit that I don't always live by this precept. Frankly, sometimes, I have trouble remembering it all. But it is a goal worth striving for.

I am happy in this moment. I am happy in my life. If I continue to show gratitude and joy in each day, I will be doing a lot more to enjoy life.

Sappy? Yes. But also true.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

P.O.P. Day 201: Staying Relevant

I have not been ignoring you, I swear. I also didn't break all my fingers or lose my computer password. I was in danger of becoming redundant...and repetitive...and saying the same thing (heeheehee).

I was unsure that I actually had anything left that my readers (and frankly I myself) would want to hear. So I took a month to just live. And you know something? It has been an awesome month. I am more content then I have been in a long time. I guess that both my writing and I needed to take a break to stay relevant. 

I have taken time (as we all should) to re-evaluate. Things that seemed oh so important earlier this summer are now just there. I realized that in some cases that it wasn't the outcome that was necessary, but rather the steps...the getting started.

For example, I really thought that the veggie garden would be this huge priority for me once I took it back from "my past life". Right now, the garden is overgrown and weedy and I am okay with that. The veggies weren't what was important. The act of taking it back and not attaching feeling to a patch of dirt.

I am no closer to a professional jewelry program and becoming a full-time designer. What I am is someone who understands how important creativity is to much a part of me it is. And I am okay with that.

Everyday is another chance to adapt, appreciate, and evolve. Through those processes, I will remain relevant. Not just to you, but to me as well.

Friday, July 15, 2011

P.O.P. Day 166: Act Like You Want To Feel

There are lots of people out there trying to be "happier". That state is almost impossible to sustain though, as it is not really quantifiable. I am try instead to just see things in a more positive way. That being said, I do read books and blogs by people like me. I am currently reading (among other things) The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. She has a section entitled "Act The Way You Want To Feel."
I have been struggling lately to focus on having a positive outlook regularly (as you may have noticed by the lack of blog posts). This chapter spoke to me, though.

I decided earlier this week that if I want to be treated like both an artist and an athlete, I should act like both those things. I registered for all my fall races, I wrote out my 1/2 marathon training plan (in a few places), I began researching new running shoes. I scheduled studio time that I committed to. I may not be selling a ton of pieces daily, I need to keep creating. I updated my Etsy shop,  I made a ton of new pieces for The Holiday In Homer, I sketched new designs.

I am acting like I have already achieved my goals. To me, I am an athlete. I am an artist. What are you? How do you want to feel?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

P.O.P. Day 165: Accomplishments

It hardly seems possible that it has been nearly 3 weeks since my last post! It has been a hectic time for many reasons, primarily in the week leading up to The Boilermaker.

To me, the "big race" was all about setting a personal goal and working towards it. Something that was essentially JUST MINE. No one else was holding me responsible and no one else that would really be effected by the outcome. Even though I trained smartly, ate properly, and hydrated to the extreme, there was a lot of self doubt at the end. I was unsure if the smaller goals that I acheived would be enough to carry me through. I had planned, but didn't know if that was enough. My self-confidence was not as high as it should have been going into an event like that.

So the week before, I walk on hot coals, I ziplined, I ran extra miles, and I drank A LOT of water. And you know what? I did it. I ran the entire 9.3 miles. I finished in the time alloted, even though I would have liked to go faster. My accumulated goals helped me to achieve the big one.

I made a bargin with myself that if I ran the entire race and finished in less than 2 hours, that I would do a half-marathon in the fall. Looks like I need to start racking up those smaller goals again ;)

Sarah (the best support crew ever) and I after the race.

Friday, June 24, 2011

P.O.P. Day 145: Facing Fears

So everyone knows that it has not been a great driving year for me. But hey, I didn't die and got a new fun car out of the ordeals. I have had increased driving anxiety since then though. But this weekend, I have the opportunity to show one of my favorite cities to a good friend. Problem is that it is a busy city surrounded by very busy roadways. Yikes.

BUT, I don't want to be limited in my world. If I just stay around Homer/Ithaca, life will get pretty boring pretty fast. Plus, don't I teach kids to work through their fears and excel? Shouldn't I practice what I preach?

I have gotten through a lot of things that I never thought I could in the last year and a half. Living alone. Making ends meet. Running races. Putting myself out there. Meeting new people. Doing shows without the support of my spouse. Going to lots of doctors alone. Do I want driving to be what holds me back?

I want to face this fear. Will the drive be easy or comfortable? Probably not. But, I want to do it. I hope that I can. I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

P.O.P. Day 144: Pick yourself up and dust yourself off

No, I didn't fall off the Earth. Well, not literally anyway. I have just been having a hard time celebrating my positive moments when my negative ones are so much more overwhelming. I am valiently trying to break that cycle.

Regardless of tests, diagnoses, trips to doctors, and general malaise, I DO have things to celebrate. I DO have the opportunity to make every day special. I have just not been taking that chance lately.

I am extremely proud of the cast and crew of Maccers and their many wins at the Cortland Rep Pavilion Awards. I am proud of myself for completeling two 5Ks so far this year. These are the types of things that I need to remember when I am feeling like I have nothing going for me. My students rely on me to be a positive and motivating force in their lives.

So, here I am, back to doing something that I love. And living for the moment. And making that moment the best that it can be. Now to strap on those sneakers and get that part of my life back too!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

P.O.P. Day 132: You Deserve It

You! With the huge to-do list and not nearly enough time. Yeah, you. Put down the list, pick up some bubble bath or nail polish or lotion or good book or whatever and do something to pamper yourself. You deserve it.

It will make you better able to focus and get things done if you occasionally put them down and do something JUST FOR YOU!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

P.O.P. Day 130: Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens...

So nothing too heavy or deep today, just a reminder: no matter what is going on in your world, there is always something that can make you smile. It may be a cookie, a run, a pair of shoes, David Tennant (maybe that's just me), time with your kids, a photo, a song...

Smile. Your face and mood will thank you :)

I even made an Etsy treasury to remind the whole world.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

P.O.P. Day 129: Stay the Course (Or: You Are Your Own Biggest Fan)

It is nice to be told that you are doing well. It is heart-warming to hear that others are proud of you. It is narcissistic but great to hear that you inspire someone.

But sometimes, you don't hear those things. Maybe no one is close enough to you to do so. Maybe people are just embarrassed to express themselves. Maybe they figure that you already know.

It is easy to get discouraged when you don't have someone at home cheering you on. That is when you have to both dig into yourself for encouragement and reach out to you friends and family for that bolstering word. With others, you may have to actually ask for it. Don't be ashamed or embarrassed to admit that you need it.

So far as pulling encouragement out of yourself, is already there. Everytime that you lace up your sneakers, open that book, pick up that pen, or whatever you do, you are telling yourself that you are strong enough, smart enough, creative enough, and awesome enough to shine and excel.

You should be proud of yourself and your accomplishments. I am proud of you. And you know what? I am proud of me too.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

P.O.P. Day 128: Didn't Know That I Had It In Me

"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."
~Mahatma Gandhi

If you had told me five years ago that one of my favorite things would be training for a race, I probably would have laughed my foolish fat butt off. I was not exactly content with how I looked and felt even a year ago, but I was resigned to it. I come from a large family...maybe I was just meant to be fat and jolly. And then my entire world got flipped upside down a year and a half ago. I spent 6 months in pretty deep mourning. Then I read an article that changed my life, literally.

Prevention magazine printed an article last May entiltled "Yes, You Can Run." I have never been a super-sporty gal, but thought that I would give it a try. My first run was to the end of my street. I was out of breathe and in pain. But, I got out there the next day and tried it again. And the next day. By the end of 2010, I had run four 5Ks and an 8K.

In a little over a month, I will be running The Boilermaker, a world famous 15K road race. Prior to that, I am running three 5Ks with other races through the remainer of the year. By Thanksgiving, I plan to run 10 races. The old Louise would have NEVER imagined that would even be possible, much less highly anticipated.

Morale of the story: we are stronger and capable of much more than we give ourselves credit for. When I get in a funk, I need to remember how much I have done and how much more that I am capable of. If I know all of you, you need to do the same. You are strong. You have skills. You are an inspiration to someone else. You can do so much that you never thought that you could.

Now, go do it.

Monday, June 6, 2011

P.O.P. Day 127: Fight the Good Fight

There is such a thing as spreading yourself too thin and having unrealistic expectations. There was a time where I would disagreed with that. Granted, I stay super-busy now but I chose (most) of the things that I am busy with. I choose to channel my energy into them and avoid wastimng my time on futility.

Not to be too personal or one-sided, I am pretty happy with life overall. I am back to doing the things that I enjoy and have really started to focus on what is important to me, especially my health. The things that really knock me for a loop is lonliness and not having a life partner. I recognize that I have freedom that a "coupled" person rarely experiences, but...

I am trying to fight the good fight here: focus and me and what I can control, not on other people, their choices, or how they effect me. I admit that I am struggling. I am channeling too much of myself into being lonely. I am wasting my precious time lamenting that I have no partner. That has to stop.

How can I truly enjoy all that I DO have if I am mourning the life I COULD HAVE had? As I try to push through this fight, I am learning more about myself. I have learned that I am a great partner and hope to share those qualities with someone again, but I have also come to appreciate (or at least I am trying) my solitude. I am discovering myself more everyday and I am truly thankful for that. As I become my friend a little more each day, I hope that the lonliness dissapates and I am happily alone.

It is a tough fight, but I think I will be the one on top in the end.

Friday, June 3, 2011

P.O.P. Day 124: Things

Yesterday, I had a long talk about my personal crossroads. More than that though, it is an impasse. None of my decisions are really the right or wrong. The options are many and we tried to find if the things that truly matter to me would be affected by one course of action rather than another. Much to my surprise, none of the things that are most important to me will change regardless of my decision.

It may not surprise most of you to learn that the most important aspects of my life are my creativity and my friends.

While I would LOVE to have a creative job, I am happiest when I have a creative life. Between theatre and design, writing and gardening, reading and exploring, I guess that I am much more fortunate than others in the creativity department. Like most though, I have taken that for granted. Not everyone gets to conceptualize and then actualize shows. An in-home studio is exactly commonplace either. Luckily, I am more aware and grateful of those things. Though that doesn't make any decisions easier, it makes me happy to know that I am so fortunate.

I enjoy being and having great friends. To me, my friends are just like my family. They are the family that I choose. I love being a person that has your back, that maybe makes your day a little brighter, that you want to see. I love having people that I can call any time and no matter how long it has been since we've last spoken, we can slip right back into it like we see each other everyday. I am blessed in that respect.

So, the map hasn't gotten any clearer and the decisions haven't suddenly become no-brainers, but it is good to know that no matter which road  I take that if I keep those things that most important with me, I am all good.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

P.O.P. Day 123: Roadblocks

The worse place to be can be a crossroads. Each road is scary, with bumps and potholes and smooth stretches. And unlike Dorothy, we don't have helpful songs and colored roadways to assist in our choices. There is no telling from the crossroads which is the right road to take. After all, most people say that it's the journey and not the destination anyway.

I find myself at such a place now. Every way that I turn has some restriction as well as some reasons for recommendation. Decisions have to be made. A path needs to be chosen. I just have to get out of my own way to do it.

We all have that problem sometimes and not just with major life decisions. It can be as simple as sticking to a plan to clean a room, weed a garden, or resolve an issue with a friend. The biggest obstacles in our lives are usually not the money, the time, the uncertainty but rather ourselves. Things are rarely as difficult as we make them out to be in our minds. Save the money, make the time, and move forward. Who knows what we will find at the end of our personal yellow brick road.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

P.O.P. Day 122: Can Do Attitude

Today is Wednesday. It is also National Running Day, National Say Something Nice Day, and National Go Barefoot Day. I am declaring my own holiday that combines several of the others: National Give Yourself Some Credit for Being Awesome Day.

We often focus on what we can't do. That can be can make us strive for new and more lofty goals. But it can also knock us down. It can shake our confidence. It can make us afraid to seek those goals at all. I think that we should all take some time to focus on all that we CAN do.

I may not be able to run a 4 minute mile, but I can run. I can cover miles and be happy that I did.
I may not be able to stun a room with my devastating good looks, but I can make a room laugh at my wacky sense of humor.
I may not be able to grow prize-winning roses, but I can grow veggies that will nourish me through the fall and winter.
I may not be able to be someone's Mom, but I can be a positive influence on students everyday.
I may not be able to write an awarding-winning novel, but I can blog some uplifting words that may help someone else.
I may not be able to be the peanut butter to some else's jelly, but I can let my light shine and make the world a happier place.

Think of all the things that you can do, you'll be more impressed than you think!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

P.O.P. Day 121: It Could Be Worse

Yes, it is 93 degrees. But think of this, 4 months ago, you were complaining how frozen you were. Yes, the garden is full of weeds. But you could live in a place where it is dry and nothing grows. Yes, you have a few extra pounds stubbornly hanging on. But you could be in a situation where you do not get enough to eat. Yes, you may be in a cranky mood (I was). But there is always something to smile about. Always. There is always something to look forward to. There is always a reason to be your best self. Even if that reason is just to make someone else appreciate their life and all they have.

Soak up that heat that you may have fond memories of it in the middle of January. get your hands in the dirt and pull out those weeds knowing that flowers and veggies will give you joy. Eat the ice cream cone and be blessed that you can. Smile, someone else may be depending on it.

*Caution-a tiny little curse word at 2:15*

Friday, May 27, 2011

P.O.P. Day 117: Maintaining Momentum

"She acquires momentum as she advances." ~Virgil

It is one thing to get a project started, to make decision, to move forward. It is another thing entirely to maintain that momentum: to complete that project, to act on the decision to keep moving forward. We might settle for doing something just part way or just enough to get by. Why? This is an opportunity to exceed your own expectations (think of it as your personal report card). Don't get yourself short shrift.

As the long weekend looms, I want to maintain that momentum for myself. I have so many opportunities--I can run, I can weed the garden so painstakingly put in, I can boost my curb appeal, I can experiment with my new cool tools in the studio. I am trying to focus on a few things to keep moving:

  • Setting greater challenges: so I got the veggies planted, my greater goal will be to get the garden weeded and mulched so they can thrive.
  • Review what you've done:  Last night before the rain, I surveyed the kingdom, looked over the planting, wished for seedlings.
  • Re-energize: To prepare for the weekend and the renewed enthusiasm, I have washed all my gardening gloves, registered for a running mechanics class, made several design sketches and read a jewelry magazine.
  • Remind-why am I doing all this?: I love to eat veggies that are crispy and warm from the garden, I love to put up food so I can have it later in the year, I love the feeling of just being able to run, I like the solitude of a good run, I love to make pieces that are unique and fun.
  • Recognize and Reward: I am doing well with my training and I spent a few dollars on a training watch to monitor it. I have planted a beautiful garden and I am going to move my swing to be able to look at it. I have new studio tools and one of the pieces that I make this week will be for myself!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

P.O.P. Day 114: Support

Never underestimate the power of good support. It keeps up healthy and it keeps us sane.

 I never realized how blessed that I am until I really needed that support. I have friends who will drive me to doctor's appts. and hold my hand when I am scared. I have friends who appreciate my artwork and push me to work harder. I have friends who nudge me closer to my training goals--working out with me, acknowledging my successes, reminding me to take it slow.

 I also learned that I can support myself, not just financially but emotionally as well.  I can push myself to work harder. I can remind myself of how far that I've come. I can allow myself to cry as well as smile. And I will continue to be there for myself ;)

Monday, May 23, 2011

P.O.P. Day 113: Back in the Saddle

Stand back. Because I am back. So, I don't have a partner and that sucks. So, I have a mystery malady and that sucks (though I think going gluten-free has helped). But, I have my gardens back. I have my zeal to train back. I have my desire to design jewelry back. I have the urge to run back. I have the power to make myself healthier back.

Don't be afraid. Take you back!

Friday, May 20, 2011

P.O.P. Day 110: Slow and steady...

By nature, I am an impatient person. Quick results make me happy. But that is not always the best way to get things done.

We all know the story of the tortoise and the hare. Quick may be fun, but it doesn't always win the race. This story is especially appropriate for me right now. Patience is what is required to even run the race. I registered for the Boilermaker in January on the very night that it opened. I had planned on running it with someone special and we planned on preparing together.

But circumstances change in life, and although that individual is still important to me, the relationship has evolved. With this change, my attention to the Boilermaker slipped. As did my training. I had suffered a running injury in December and spent a long time nurturing myself and frankly, being kinda lazy. The race is now a scant 50 days away. I ran a little over 4 miles on Tuesday, mainly to see if I could. Good news...I can, bad news...still injured. I have altered my training plan to do things the smart way. The slow way. Shorter distances to start. More stretching. Foam rolling. Massage. Strength training.

I will run that race. I will recover. I just can't do either tomorrow. As with my entire life, if I want it, I will have to work for it--break it into manageable pieces, rest when necessary, not expect results overnight--but really work. The race and life will be that much sweeter if I do.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

P.O.P. Day 109: Have to vs. Get to

You know something? We take a lot for granted in our insular little worlds.

I have a chellenge for you. Instead of saying, "I have to make dinner." say "I get to make dinner." Instead of saying, "I have to go to another of my child's concerts." you actually "get to go." We are making our lives a chore. Sometimes things really are, but they don't have to be. Making dinner can be stressful, hurried, and generally a pain. But you GET to make dinner. Some people don't have that opportunity for one reason or another. Maybe they lack funds, equipment, a home, a dining partner, the time. You can take some joy in chosing what to cook, loving using the ingredients, crafting a meal, and enjoying the fruits of your labors.

Use this spring as a chance to transplant some new ideas into your head. I get to run. I get to dig, cultivate, nurture, and grow my own food. I get to make my home a welcoming place. I get to be a better person.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

P.O.P. Day 108: Turning Over a New Leaf (or rediscovering a leaf that you've misplaced)

This morning was overcast. I had worn my rain boots to work. Although I am making jewelry and taking back the garden, I didn't feel like that was enough. My recent health issues have left me exhausted and unable to log any gym time. I am feeling lethargic and kinda roly poly. So today, I strapped on the old Brooks running shoes and hit the trail...literally.

I am registered to run The Boilermaker in a scant 52 days. I haven't run a race since Thanksgiving and my training has be sporadic at best since I injured my IT band in December. Regardless of diagnosis and whatever comes with it, I AM running that race. I don't have much time to train, but I am going to push myself to be ready. I probably overdid it today, running 4.28 miles. I will strength train tomorrow, do a short run on Friday and hopefully another long one on Saturday.

Some people meditate. So zen out while walking the dog. I run. And I will be a runner again.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

P.O.P. Day 107: Channeling the Fear

So lately, I have been pretty overwhelmed with the fear of the unknown. There is something wrong with me and no one knows what it is...yet...

I had a few days when the show was over and I was out of sorts and afraid. I thought that I would be paralyzed by my uneasiness. And for a while, I was. But I decided that I have talked so much about my dreams and goals that maybe some time in the studio was what was needed.

I cleaned. I sketched. I organized. I pondered. Then I picked up the hammer. I began my first new design. I channeled my fear into creating. The weight of the hammer in my hand and the shining newness of the metal on the bench began to take some of that uneasiness away. With every stroke and cut, I remembered that regardless of how I feel or if anyone purchased these new creations, I was fulfilling a goal. I am making the world a more beautiful and positive place. Ideas are coming stronger. Projects are intricate than before. I have ordered new tools to take it to the next level. I have increased my facebook and twitter presence.

 My jewelry has always been uplifting, but I decided to design a new line specifically inspired by this blog.

What posts would like to see transformed into a work of wearable art?

Friday, May 13, 2011

P.O.P. Day 103: The Other Side of the Fence

Or in the immortal words of Mick Jagger, "You can't always get what you want..." As a quasi-newish single girl, I am still struggling with loneliness. A lot of us are. Single people, married people, widows and widowers, people with few friends, people with multitudes of friends.

When I talk to many of my friends, I become envious of their lives--husbands, families, houses, babies, whatever. I don't have any of that. Their response is typically the opposite--they want the freedom and autonomy of my life. One is not better than the other, we just want what we don't have. There are issues that a single person faces that a married one doesn't but it goes both ways. I don't have to worry about someone else's schedule, their mood, or what they might want for dinner.

I am struggling to balance loneliness vs. being alone. Loneliness can drag you down, while solitude allows you to pursue those things that bring you joy.

"Language... has created the word "loneliness" to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word "solitude" to express the glory of being alone.” ~Paul Tillich

When it boils right down to it, it is okay to be lonely as long as you realize that you are not alone in feeling that way. Being alone opens doors that are made for only one person to go through.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

P.O.P. Day 102: A stroll down memory lane....

Memories are tricky things. Sometimes we idealize something, remembering it more more fondly than it deserves. But often, memories help to remember how we became the people that we are today.

Yesterday, I was asked to post some old photos on Facebook of shows gone by. Doing so helped me to remember why I love the theatre and why I am the Weas that you all get today.

Thank you to all who helped shape those memories and helped shape me in the process.

Me in Maccers 1990

Me directing Maccers 2011

Same school, same club, better Weas.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

P.O.P. Day 101: Get started already...

Once I get going on a project, I typically forge ahead and give it my all. The problem is actually getting started. I have a little problem with that. I have grandiose plans but issues with actually starting a project. So, as any internet savvy gal these days, I googled "ways to get motivated". You know what? Even that step helped me feel a little more motivated towards my goal.

Based on a few sites, here are a few pointers to get and (hopefully) stay motivated. The text in green is my goal and how I will be working towards it.

1. Choose a goal. Just being motivated for motivation's sake is not going to do it!
 I will plant and maintain a variety of gardens this year, including perennial, annual, lettuce, herb, and veggie.

2. Get inspiration. Find things that will make you inspired to fulfill your goal.
I am re-reading Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver and looking through The Garden Primer.

3. Get excited! Do things that will get you excited about working towards your goal.
I got out all my gardening tools, started some seeds, bought some bulbs, and am working on a garden plan.

4. Declare your goal. Commit publicly to what you want to do. Put it on Facebook, call your friends, write a blog ;)
I will be planting an working in my gardens from now until the harvest. Just because my former spouse and I used to it together doesn't mean that I have to avoid it!

5. Do something daily. Even just thinking about your goal helps you to work towards it. Taking little bites makes things more manageable.
I have declared and researched, I am slowly raking out beds and will soon begin pulling weeds. Seeds have been started and I am going to the plant sale on Saturday.

6. Get support. Everything is easier with a buddy.
Anytime anyone wants to weed or plant with me, I'll supply the gloves and iced tea!

7. Recognize that motivation comes and goes. You can't be all gung ho all the time. Give yourself some slack if you aren't always on the ball.
Somedays, I may just water plants or read about the garden and that's okay.

8. Stick with it. Anything really worth doing is worth the patience and hard work.
I really like homegrown veggies and bouquets, so any work that I do will come back to me.

9. Start small. Don't think that you have to do everything at once. Do small bits day by day.
The garden will need time to grow but will also need time to get ready. A weed here and a rake there will all add up to pesto, tomato sauce, and grilled veggies later this summer!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

P.O.P. Day 100: Growth

Another season has come to a close. The curtain has been lowered and the set struck. I am supremely proud of each and every student involved. Thank you.

Each show, though, comes with a little let down. The routine is gone--quick dinners, shared jokes, working through the process, helping each other. I am now granted more time to myself, but that too gets old.  The end of the show reminds me once more that I am coming home to an empty house and that gets old as well.

I am trying to re-focus and re-prioritize. That can be a let down in and of itself. It causes one to re-evaluate and sometimes that can be painful too. Crap. 

Change is good. Growth is good. One thing that I have decided is that I am going to put energy back into working outdoors and growing things.

One word can sum up gardening and reconciling oneself with your lot in life: beets. My former spouse did not enjoy beets. I do. I am growing my own beets and will enjoy them. I will not be growing hot peppers.
That past life was at times wonderful and loving and sometimes not. Same with this new life.

A season has just passed, but a new season is just beginning. The last season was indoors, usually dark, sometimes stressful but with a wonderful outcome. This new season will be outdoors, sunny, and also sometimes stressful but with a wonderful outcome. I am in a funk, but hope that a little sunshine, a dash of fresh air, a sprinkling of dirt and some anticipated growth (in many ways) will snap me back into shape! plus, all that time in the garden will give me the chance to decide next season shows ;)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

P.O.P. Day 93: The Show Must Go On

Okay, kids, take that ball and run with it. Show them all what you've got. Even if you don't think that you have anything more to give, I know that you do.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

P.O.P. Day 88: Relinquishing Control

It is both empowering and scary to let go of something that you've nurtured. Be it a person, a pet, a home, a project, a production.

It warms your heart to see what you've worked on thrive without you. It is also scary to think of all the things that could go wrong.

Tonight are our final rehearsals before dress and shows next week. After tonight, I cannot change anything. The shows belong to them and whether the succeed or fail is now up to them. Hopefully, I have given them the tools they need to succeed.

Break a leg, my kiddos and I will be there cheering for you.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

P.O.P. Day 87: That which does not kill us...

"To be thrown upon one’s own resources is to be cast into the very lap of fortune; for our faculties then undergo a development and display an energy of which they were previosly unsusceptible."
~Benjamin Franklin

To put it another way, that which does not kill us, makes us stronger. Or yet another way, adversity builds strength. Or still another way, problem is just another word for opportunity.

I have a good friend who when faced with the possibility of running in the rain or not running at all, he chooses to run in the rain. He declares that it builds character. And as much as I dislike running in the rain, I have to agree.

This theatre season has been fraught with adversity. Some things have been tiny--miscommunication, different visions. Some have been much larger and complicated. But through all the challenges, the group has come together and overcome all these obstacles. They positive effect on the club and all its members, myself included, is that is has allowed us to develop stronger characters. We are better able to meet these challenges without breaking down completely and come up with workable solutions.

In my "past life", I feel that I may have projected a strong character but not really stood behind it. While I am not fully developed in that area, I feel as though I am much closer.

I hope that my students see that they are not only building characters on-stage, but also in "real life." I am proud of the young men and women that they are becoming and while I don't relish putting them into stressful situations, I am happy to see that they have learned to overcome them.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

P.O.P. Day 86: Making the World a Better Place

Quick sentiment-support local arts, theatre, and music'll be glad that you did. As an Arts Educator, I can testify that this makes stronger students and happier people.

Okay. Off the soap box. Just show these kids that their hard work is appreciated!

Monday, April 25, 2011

P.O.P. Day 85: Everything is going to be OK

Okay, I'll admit it. I am a little nervous about the shows. We have all put in a ton of work and I am anxious that our attendance may be low. I know that that is not really the point. The point is putting together a great show and working as a team. So, that is what I need to focus on and project to my darling kiddos. As long as we all work to the best of our abilities, then we've done something wonderful.

One of my goals and greatest pleasures is being a positive role model for these students. I hope that I am. They inspire me and give me great joy.

Pity party over.We will be okay. The audience will come. They will come because we are giving of ourselves and making something that can never be re-made. Thank you all.

Friday, April 22, 2011

P.O.P. Day 82: Make your home your haven and make yourself a better friend.

Finally. I took a couple of days to do some stuff  just for me. I encourage you all to be a little selfish and find something that will benefit only yourself. That may seem like it is contrary to everything that I say here...give to others, be a good friend, make the world a better place. But in essence, being a little selfish every now and again does all those things.
By sometimes doing something that seemingly benefits just you, you are actually allowing yourself to be a better friend by becoming more relaxed and more focused on what's important. It allows you to feel pampered or accomplished and many of us pay those feelings forward. I know that I am more likely to smile, say a kind word, or offer encouragement now that I have taken time for myself. I didn't lie on the beach or sip fancy cocktails. I stripped wallpaper, I potted plants, I painted. I made my home a little more of a haven for myself. A place that I enjoy being, somewhere nurturing and uplifting. In the end, I didn't just do it for me though. That joy will spill over to all of you that I love as well. Happy Spring Break :)

My newly improved kitchen

My dress collection now has a fancier home

Friday, April 15, 2011

P.O.P. Day 75: Takin' Care of Business

Spring is traditionally about new beginnings. For me though, it is about wrapping up my spring show. Artfully finishing what we all have been working so hard for. As rehearsals and set construction days trudge forward, we focus on polishing our efforts.  Life sometimes gets pushed aside in our need to get things done. With break coming, it is a time to rest and a time to get some stuff done. I hope to finally finish painting my closet and get the kitchen painted. It is time to finished up old projects so new ones can begin.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

P.O.P. Day 74: Learn, Live, Hope

I wasn't going to blog today. I figured that I was down in the dumps due to what today used to represent and you didn't need me to bring you down. That got me to thinking a little harder. Today USED to represent something wonderful and special. And now it doesn't. Of course, that doesn't devalue the years past. They are still there, although the memories are now a little tarnished. I can't change what today used to mean, I can appreciate that it means something different from now on.

So, today is April 14. There will be another one next year. And the year after that. I can mourn it or I can appreciate that I am here, I am (relatively) healthy, I have things to say and lives to shape. And I will be okay.