Thursday, April 28, 2011

P.O.P. Day 88: Relinquishing Control

It is both empowering and scary to let go of something that you've nurtured. Be it a person, a pet, a home, a project, a production.

It warms your heart to see what you've worked on thrive without you. It is also scary to think of all the things that could go wrong.

Tonight are our final rehearsals before dress and shows next week. After tonight, I cannot change anything. The shows belong to them and whether the succeed or fail is now up to them. Hopefully, I have given them the tools they need to succeed.

Break a leg, my kiddos and I will be there cheering for you.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

P.O.P. Day 87: That which does not kill us...

"To be thrown upon one’s own resources is to be cast into the very lap of fortune; for our faculties then undergo a development and display an energy of which they were previosly unsusceptible."
~Benjamin Franklin

To put it another way, that which does not kill us, makes us stronger. Or yet another way, adversity builds strength. Or still another way, problem is just another word for opportunity.

I have a good friend who when faced with the possibility of running in the rain or not running at all, he chooses to run in the rain. He declares that it builds character. And as much as I dislike running in the rain, I have to agree.

This theatre season has been fraught with adversity. Some things have been tiny--miscommunication, different visions. Some have been much larger and complicated. But through all the challenges, the group has come together and overcome all these obstacles. They positive effect on the club and all its members, myself included, is that is has allowed us to develop stronger characters. We are better able to meet these challenges without breaking down completely and come up with workable solutions.

In my "past life", I feel that I may have projected a strong character but not really stood behind it. While I am not fully developed in that area, I feel as though I am much closer.

I hope that my students see that they are not only building characters on-stage, but also in "real life." I am proud of the young men and women that they are becoming and while I don't relish putting them into stressful situations, I am happy to see that they have learned to overcome them.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

P.O.P. Day 86: Making the World a Better Place

Quick sentiment-support local arts, theatre, and music'll be glad that you did. As an Arts Educator, I can testify that this makes stronger students and happier people.

Okay. Off the soap box. Just show these kids that their hard work is appreciated!

Monday, April 25, 2011

P.O.P. Day 85: Everything is going to be OK

Okay, I'll admit it. I am a little nervous about the shows. We have all put in a ton of work and I am anxious that our attendance may be low. I know that that is not really the point. The point is putting together a great show and working as a team. So, that is what I need to focus on and project to my darling kiddos. As long as we all work to the best of our abilities, then we've done something wonderful.

One of my goals and greatest pleasures is being a positive role model for these students. I hope that I am. They inspire me and give me great joy.

Pity party over.We will be okay. The audience will come. They will come because we are giving of ourselves and making something that can never be re-made. Thank you all.

Friday, April 22, 2011

P.O.P. Day 82: Make your home your haven and make yourself a better friend.

Finally. I took a couple of days to do some stuff  just for me. I encourage you all to be a little selfish and find something that will benefit only yourself. That may seem like it is contrary to everything that I say here...give to others, be a good friend, make the world a better place. But in essence, being a little selfish every now and again does all those things.
By sometimes doing something that seemingly benefits just you, you are actually allowing yourself to be a better friend by becoming more relaxed and more focused on what's important. It allows you to feel pampered or accomplished and many of us pay those feelings forward. I know that I am more likely to smile, say a kind word, or offer encouragement now that I have taken time for myself. I didn't lie on the beach or sip fancy cocktails. I stripped wallpaper, I potted plants, I painted. I made my home a little more of a haven for myself. A place that I enjoy being, somewhere nurturing and uplifting. In the end, I didn't just do it for me though. That joy will spill over to all of you that I love as well. Happy Spring Break :)

My newly improved kitchen

My dress collection now has a fancier home

Friday, April 15, 2011

P.O.P. Day 75: Takin' Care of Business

Spring is traditionally about new beginnings. For me though, it is about wrapping up my spring show. Artfully finishing what we all have been working so hard for. As rehearsals and set construction days trudge forward, we focus on polishing our efforts.  Life sometimes gets pushed aside in our need to get things done. With break coming, it is a time to rest and a time to get some stuff done. I hope to finally finish painting my closet and get the kitchen painted. It is time to finished up old projects so new ones can begin.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

P.O.P. Day 74: Learn, Live, Hope

I wasn't going to blog today. I figured that I was down in the dumps due to what today used to represent and you didn't need me to bring you down. That got me to thinking a little harder. Today USED to represent something wonderful and special. And now it doesn't. Of course, that doesn't devalue the years past. They are still there, although the memories are now a little tarnished. I can't change what today used to mean, I can appreciate that it means something different from now on.

So, today is April 14. There will be another one next year. And the year after that. I can mourn it or I can appreciate that I am here, I am (relatively) healthy, I have things to say and lives to shape. And I will be okay.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

P.O.P. Day 73: This Too Shall Pass

Nothing in life is permanant, neither the good nor the bad. Living means adapting. Sometimes for good reasons like a job, a move, a new opprotunity. Sometimes for unexpected reasons like a break-up, a loss, a shock. The point is that adapting won't kill us. It may cause momentary panic or euphoria and some not-so-momentary panic or euphoria. But we get to live. It might be different that how we anticipated, but it is life.
No one promised any of us a rose garden. And even if they did, they didn't promise that there wouldn't be thorns.

Adapt. Carry On. Transform. Live. That's all that we can do.

I am trying to rise to the challenges in my life. Sometimes they really can be overwhelming, but you know what? I am still here. And no matter what life throws at you, so are you.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

P.O.P. Day 72: Honey vs. Vinegar

Tart words make no friends; a spoonful or honey will catch more flies than a gallon of vinegar. - Benjamin Franklin

Everyone knows that I am a huge nerd and have my share of colonial crushes. Mr. Jefferson because he was both a looker and a greater writer, John Adams because of his passion, Ben Franklin for his wit. I especially appreciate wit. I also value this sentiment. It is true. Just like it is hard to be angry wearing read shoes or cry over a lollipop. Another honey-lover proclaims,"You can not be uncheered by a balloon."-Winnie the Pooh. They are both very wise.

Trying to win people over by being tart has gotten me nowhere lately. I will try honey instead and see where that gets me!

Monday, April 11, 2011

P.O.P. Day 71: Time to get away!

I like to pride myself on my work ethic, but hard work can only sustain you for so long. Sometimes, you just need a break. I have no definitive vacation plans, but boy, do I want some!

I still have a ton to do for the shows (lights, programs, photos) but need to step away from out for a day pr two. Many of us never take that time for ourselves, for our families, for our friends. We think that work, work, work is the way to get ahead. And sometimes it is. But not having any outlet, any means of relaxation, any way to just let go, we are sabotaging ourselves. Rest and rejuvenation helps to make us more productive during the busy times.

Try not to think of the crazy times when you are out of the house for 16 hours, sleeping little, and eating whatever is at hand as hardship. Think of it as an investment in the relaxation fund. It will come back to you in naps, road trips, leisurely lunches, and good times.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

P.O.P. Day 70: Fruity

Tiny post today, but an important sentiment.
Thank you all for being you.
Thank you all for letting me be me.

Friday, April 8, 2011

P.O.P.. Day 68: What you see...

Shrek was like an onion...lots of layers. The Doctor (of Who fame) is a man of at least 11 far. 

On the outside, I appear (during the day) to be a well-organized and slef-motivated employee. And I am. In the evenings, I appear as a slightly frantic, usually fun geek who is totally into producing good theatre. And I am. In the studio, I appear to be a creative artist. And I am (when I can make myself focus).

 But that is not all that I am. I am a person with very thin skin who gets emotional very easily. I am a goofball who enjoys a cheesy pun. I am a girl who struggles with an invisible disease. I am a geek who doesn't always feel very smart. I am person who craves company. I am a girl who enjoys really crappy TV. I am a grown-up who doesn't really know what she wants to do when she really grows up. I am a person with both tons of friends and tons of lonliness. I am a person who loves to cook but hates to eat alone. I am a gal who loves a dress. I am also a girl who loves her sweat pants. I am a leader of students who sometimes feels like a child herself. And so much more.

What are your layers? Are you a different person to different people? Which version of yourself is your favorite?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

P.O.P Day 66: Desperately seeking...

I understand that you can't force happiness or expect to be happy all the time. Sometimes, though, we just want to be happy...have a reason to smile...not be so ambivalent.

I am struggling with holding onto my happiness this week. I know that I have a lot to be grateful for. I also know that I have some reasons to be sad. I would prefer to be happy right now though.

Earlier today, I posed a question on Facebook: What makes you happiest? My friends have been forthcoming with makes them happy. It has truly helped. Some of what makes them happy, also makes me happy. I marvel at some of the things that bring them joy. I am very glad that I asked the question. It has helped me to form a mental list. It has shown me that it doesn't have to be overriding, life-changing happiness. It can just be little things--my favorite show, my favorite foods, my favorite songs, my favorite books--that reinforce my joy.

Thanks again to all my friends. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for helping.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

P.O.P. Day 65: Old Friends

"A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg
even though he knows that you are slightly cracked."
~Bernard Meltzer

The old friends who know you best are comforting when you don't know what life has in store for you. They knew you when you were 15 and confused, 20 and unsure, 25 and starting a new chapter, 30 and confused again, 35 and thinking that you know where you're going, 37 and picking you up when you realize that you don't, and will be there when you're 40 and starting yet another chapter...

I am glad to be so close to so many old friends and appreciate all that they give to me.

Monday, April 4, 2011

P.O.P. Day 64: Humility is a Virtue

"What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself."
~Abraham Lincoln

I am a gal that thinks that it is important to be proud of yourself and what you have to offer. But I also believe in a little touch of humility. I toot my own horn on a regular basis. I am happy to do it. I try not, however; to make false claims of awesomeness, not make myself the most important person in the room, and generally let others take the accolades.

This is a fine balance. Being awesome vs. beating others over the head with your awesomeness.

This message is especially important for my kids. They are part of a team...something bigger than themselves. There are no stars. One is not more important than the other. They must all work together to create quality. I hope that they remember this.