Thursday, March 31, 2011

P.O.P. Day 60: Dare to be Fabulous

Do me a favor. Reach your hand behind your back and give yourself a huge pat. Why? Because you are fabulous.
We all have areas that fully display our fabulousness but we rarely admit to it.
You are a great parent and/or an awesome friend and/or a snazzy dresser and/or the glue that holds your office together (you know who you are) and/or you are the go-to cookie baker in your circle of friends.
Own how great you. Once you do, others will see it and acknowledge more quickly.

A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.
~Coco Chanel
I agree with Coco, but also think that it equally applies to guys. Some of my best friends are males and I think that they are pretty wonderful.
I am pretty fabulous and don't you forget it. I can rock a mean dress (my collection is mind-boggling). I make an awesome brownie. I have a strange and silly sense of humor. Tooting my own horn and proud of it.
What makes you so fabulous? Make sure you tell the world! We want to appreciate the things that make you feel special right along with you.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

P.O.P. Day 59: Crossing Things Off the List

I am happy to report that progress is being made! Not about my ultimate life goals or direction, but in the here and now. I am still up in the air on so many things and have had a pretty cruddy medical week (again), but the show is coming together very nicely.

The lines are still shaking, the pacing a little slow, blocking is a bit of a mess, and the cues are lying on the ground gasping for air sometimes, but the set is 85% done, costumes are 85% complete, and we have almost 90% of our props! One show goes off book on Monday, another on next Thursday, and the third the Tuesday after that.

The kids are working hard and so am I. I am getting help from some awesome friends and parents, so if I haven't said it often enough: THANK YOU! You help me to make this a great experience for these kids.

Life decisions and progress can wait, these shows must go on now!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

P.O.P. Day 55: Take time to smell the roses

Today's message is just a really quick reminder: Slow down and take time to relax. Business is good, completeing projects is awesome, but so is chilling out, eating french fries, and watching TV.

Friday, March 25, 2011

P.O.P. Day 54: Bloom Where You Are Planted

I know that I talk alot about following your dreams and being the best version of yourself possible. And trust me, I believe wholeheartedly in that. I also believe in living in the present and not wishing your life away.

My future may take me to new places, new situations, and new ventures but my present has me here, living the life that I am accustomed to in familiar surroundings. That doesn't mean that this can't be my best life right now. Three years from now, I may have the opportunity to live my best life right then.

Everyday has the chance to be your best day. It may not always seem that way, especially when work has us frazzled, housework is stressing us out, our family obligations are a chore rather than a delight, but the opportunity exists. It may just be that you are content to have a level wild emotional ups, no disheartening downs. There is a lot to be said for the status quo. While it could never be said that I am a boring person, some days I am happy just to be consistently "flat". Your best day could be doing very little--resting as much as you need, not having anything relying on you--total relaxation. It could be that the chaos of a loving family may be perfection for you. Point being, don't try to manufacture a perfect day or a perfect situation or encounter. Chances are that it will not live up to you expectations. Instead, turn your face towards the sunshine and warmth and allow yourself to bloom regardless of the other circumstances. It just may turn out to be a better day than you anticipated.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

P.O.P. Day 53: The word of the day is...


Now, my students will tell you that focus is the word of the day everyday. They are right. I tell them that everyday. Unfortunately, lately, I have not been living that way.

I think it is important to decide what is important to you in all aspects of your life. That way you can feed the good and necessary and maybe put some things that are not so important on the back burner.

So in an effort to refocus on my work life, I just purged my office of extra papers, created some new files, de-cluttered my desk drawers, made priority piles, and disinfected my office. It is important to me to have work goals and priorities and to be organized.

At rehearsal tonight, I will attempt to multi-task less and focus on what's happening on stage. Costumes and props will get done, just not right this minute. It is important to me that the kids value our time together and view it as a positive experience.

At home, I will fold that last basket of laundry, run the vacuum, and this Sunday actually spend some time on and in my studio. It has been neglected for far too long. It is important to me that my home be a haven of comfort and creativity.

In my personal life, I will appreciate the relationships that I still have with my past loves. I will put some energy into creating new relationships. I will nurture my friendships, both near and far. It is important to me to be a friend that people value and that I enrich the lives of those that I care about in some way.

The "first quarter" of the year allowed a lot of growth with a dose of pain, but there are 9 months left in this year. I will focus on making each one special--not necessarily over-the-moon happy, just special in its own way. That is important to me.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

P.O.P. Day 52: Setting Sail, Destination Unknown

You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
~Christopher Columbus

I am 38 years old and I think that I am legitimately having a midlife crisis. You may think that I am too young for that, but if 76 is the bottom end of my old age, I'm okay with that.

So, yeah, midlife crisis. If you had asked me 5 years ago what I was doing with my life, I would have laughed and told you that this IS what I am doing with my life. The same question a year ago would have garnered a completely different answer. 3 months ago-different answer, 3 weeks ago-different answer, today I have no answer.

I know that I have grown immensely in the last 15 months. I know that I am a completely different version of Louise. I know that I want to continue to grow. What I don't know is where, how, or with whom. Some people buy flashy cars when they go through a huge identity crisis like this, though I don't think that an Elantra falls into that category.

Bottom line: I don't know what I want to do when I grow up, I don't know where I want to sail, I don't know who will be on my crew. I do know that I am stocking provisions, coiling rope, looking at maps and getting ready for the voyage.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

P.O.P. Day 51: Standing in the Sun

Most of the shadows in this life are caused by standing in one's own sunshine.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ole Ralphy is right on this one, we are notorious as a society for holding ourselves back. I know that I am. Now that it is just the cat and I, there is nothing stopping me from moving ahead and trying new things. Except for my own fear. I say to heck with that.

I know that I have said this all before. I talk a good game. So henceforth, I am scaling it down a little. I want to experience a new area. So, maybe I will plan a weekend trip. I want to be a more professional jewlery designer, so I need to first generate some ideas. I want to share my verve and zest for life with someone. So instead of looking for my next life partner and putting pressure on myself unnecessarily, I will spend some time with some new people and also some time with just myself. Baby steps, people, baby steps. But they are steps into the sunshine.

Monday, March 21, 2011

P.O.P. Day 50: New day, New chances, New adventures

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. ~Helen Keller

Last week was not the best. It didn't kill me, but it wasn't the best by a long shot. Today will have it's rough moments since Gabby is finally going to live with Matt. He deserves his dog, but I will miss the stinker...except during fireworks, thunder storms, vacuuming, and yard work. But overall, this week is an opportunity.

It is an opportunity to process the sadness and celebrate the good times. It is an opportunity to share my enthusiasm about the theatre with my kids. It is the opportunity to meet new people. It is an opportunity to remind the people in my life how much I care about them.

I can style my hair differently, dress more fashionably, eat curried chicken pot pie (my favorite), read great books, act silly,watch trashy DVRed TV, build a scale TARDIS, laugh at stupid things and cause others to laugh at my own stupid antics. I plan on doing all these things.

Sadness and disappointment are necessary and shouldn't be avoided, but they also aren't to be wallowed in. Let them come in, recognize them, comfort them, but then put them aside. Think of all the other things that you may be missing. The smiles, the laughs, the tender moments, the new adventures. Don't let your tears blind you to the chances.

That is my plan. And I am sticking to it.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

P.O.P. Day 49: Dazed and Confused

For a long time, I thought that I knew what I wanted. Then, my world turned upside down, and I was lost. I started to find a path and thought I knew what I wanted. Life once again intervened. Again, I was unsure. I have even proclaimed my intentions here. But I am in the grip of insecurity and uncertainty once more.

I am trying to stay positive and really be grateful for the things that I do have. I am also trying to allow myself times of sadness and mourning. Both sides of that coin are necessary and healthy.

As I search once more for the path, I will share my struggles and my triumphs. I don't know where the search will lead me, but the journey (as always) promises to be an interesting, if not easy, one.

As a wise friend has been known to say, it's more about the journey than the destination.

 I have fueled up and am getting ready for whatever this road has to offer.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

P.O.P. Day 48: Just one of those days...

Okay friends, I have to admit it (if you couldn't already tell), I have been having a hard time maintaining a positive outlook lately. I attain moments here and there, but have been struggling to hold on to it. Unexpected set backs can sometimes just rock us to our core, and regaining balance can be difficult. I have been striving to bring back that Weas for a couple of weeks. I discourages me to think that my self-worth is so tied to outside factors. I just have to remember that I am pretty awesome...and modest.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

P.O.P. Day 46: It adds up

Enjoy the little things in life for one day
you will look back and realize they were the big things.

I am a cheeseball. Everyone knows this. A full-fledged, sappiness-loving, quotation-hording, happy momento-stashing cheeseball.

I have had a few setbacks recently and some doozies in the not so distant past. Things like that can really throw you for a loop. Disappointment is a harsher emotion than we give it credit for. While it is perfectly acceptable for it to get us down, we cannot allow it to keep us down.

Today is a beautiful day in my part of the world and it is too much work and a waste of sunshine to be down. So, in my cheeseball way, I want to show gratitude to my world.
  • I literally have the best friends ever.
  • My health hasn't been the best lately, but nothing is terminal. I have many more sunny days ahead of me.
  • Love doesn't always turn out the way that you hope, but sharing yourself with another person is an everlasting bond.
  • I have the daily ability to be a positive influence on the next generation. I can show them that caring and focus and dedication can go a long way.
  • Food. I love food. I try to be fit, but at my core, I am an eater. Ice Cream? Of course! Cheeseburgers? Yes, please. Mashed Potatoes? Always.
  • You know something? Not to sound too full of myself here, I think that I am pretty damned funny. My friends are funny too. Some are downright hilarious.
  • I can't dance. Well, I can ballroom dance, but I think that it is pretty common knowledge that the only other dance that I have mastered is the Davy Jones/Axl Rose. I am totally okay with that.
  • I can lace up my sneakers and go for a run. I can connect with nature or chat with a running buddy or get lost in a favorite song or just listen to my feet hit the pavement. It is something that I do for me and although I continue to have some running issues, I love it.
  • Sunshine. Warmer weather. No socks. No jacket. No worries.
Now, I will let you in on a dirty little secret here. As a child my absolute favorite song was "Country Roads" by John Denver. I admit that I still have a little bit of a soft spot for a fellow cheeseball like John.
Just in case it's not sunny where you are:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

P.O.P. Day 45: Taking Chances

I am not "crying a river" depressed right now, just bummed. I have to remember what Mr. Einstein said (see above.) Not everyday is going to be a sunny one. Sometimes you just need to decide if you are going to avoid the puddles or splash through them!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

P.O.P. Day 44: A lot...

I didn't intend to take a blog break, it just happened. Some personal stuff happened, some health stuff happened, the plays were just kicking in a word, LIFE.

Life was easier when what happened was just enjoyable. Think about being a child. Kids never complain because they have bikes to ride AND trees to climb AND berries to pick AND bugs to catch. They revel in all their options. You rarely see an eight-year-old freaking out because they have to make a choice between baseball or lying in the grass.

As adults, we become overwhelmed by our own crap. We choose what we are involved in and who we are involved with. The health stuff, I can't really do anything about except take my meds, but otherwise it is my choice. I have to find the balance, devote time to worthwhile things, share my feelings when necessary, take a rest when I am just worn out.

We could learn a lot from the younger generation. Take enjoyment from your options. Do a little of all the things you love. Make choices that make you happy and life won't feel like such a burden.

Now, if only I can practice what I preach :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

P.O.P. Day 33: Managing Expectations

I am about to disappoint several people. I don't like doing it, but this time the reality is that I really can't undertake another huge play after Maccers. It was a huge and heavy show and I need to spend time on something more frivolous. The problem is that I have too many students for the roles that I have available. So, someone will be disappointed. Other than making the audience sit there for 3.5 hours, there isn't another way to create parts. I already feel like the bad guy.

One the other end of the spectrum, I know how they might be feeling. Many times my expectations, both positive and negative, get the best of me. I build things up so much sometimes that no matter what happens, I am disappointed. I am trying to be more mindful of that and manage my expectations more realistically. I want to enjoy the moment and not destroy it by making it something else.

I hope that my students can do the same. Not everyone is going to be the lead. You have to pay you dues. But you all have a chance to shine. Keep working and don't lose heart. It will be your time one day.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

P.O.P. Day 32: Bumps In The Road

So, today, even though I got my new car, I have hit a few emotional bumps. Striving to not let them become roadblocks. Regardless of my mood and these perceptions, the world is still a good place. I just have to keep driving.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

P.O.P. Day 31: You Have Places To Be!

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go..."
— Dr. Seuss (Oh, the Places You'll Go!)

No one can hold a candle to Dr. Seuss when it comes to deep thoughts. And he is so right! We are driving our own bus. We may drive it towards our dreams, we may drive it away from conflict. The big thing is that we are driving at all. Make those choices and make your life happen. Don't sit in the back of the bus waiting for it to stop where you want, because it may not.

Happy 107th Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

P.O.P. Day 30: Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway!

It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

You may not realize this about me, but I am actually a pretty timid person. I teach kids to be confident and speak in front of large crowds, yet hate to it myself. New situations really stress me out. I often jump to the worst possible conclusion. But, at times like this, I think of my friend Suzi. She often says, "Feel the fear and do it anyway!" In other words, don't let me fears about something stand in the way of my potential success.

I have to think of all the things that I might miss out on if I let fear stand in the way. If I hesitated when I was asked to take over the Shakespearean Society, I would have missed working on some fabulous shows and mentoring some wonderful students. If I never picked up a torch or saw because of my fears, my jewelry would have never gone to the next level. If I had not put myself out there, I would never have met a great guy.

Moral of the story: it's okay to be afraid. It's not okay to let that fear paralyze you and rob experiences from you. It's a big world out there. Don't miss it.